As part of the EYFS statutory framework, pupils are taught physical development; moving and handling; health and safe care. From this, children in the EYFS will learn to:
- Revise and refine the fundamental movement skills they have already acquired: - rolling - running - crawling - hopping - walking - skipping - jumping – climbing
- Confidently and safely use a range of large and small apparatus indoors and outdoors, alone and in a group
- Develop overall body strength, balance, coordination, and agility
- Begin to take weight on different body parts
- Copy and link simple actions together
Across the school, PE lessons are taught twice a week, indoors and outdoors, with children being given the opportunity to use a variety of sports equipment including gymnastic apparatus.
- Teachers follow Get Set 4 PE in lessons, a scheme that has been embedded across the school.
- Key Stage 2 children benefit from specialist coaching in bikeability (cycle training), swimming, multi sports workshops, fencing and netball.
- To ensure every child has the opportunity to fulfil their potential, teachers track pupil progress, following the progression of skills in PE which has been effectively mapped out from EYFS to KS2.
- Throughout their time at St James Primary School, children are given the opportunity to develop a love of sport through our extracurricular sports clubs. This includes football, tennis, and gymnastics clubs.
- Children also have the opportunity to develop their sportsmanship and leadership skills through taking part in Haringey sports competitions.