Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Year 1 is the time where children are nurtured and given the opportunity to spark their love of learning. Through more structured learning, and our exciting curriculum, children can develop their understanding of the world, and be inspired, laying the foundations for a positive and happy time at school.


Staff In Year 1

Year 1 Class Teacher - Miss Hodgson

Year 1 Teaching Assistant - Mrs Fitzgerald


Learning In Year 1

Click here to view the Year 1 Curriculum Map.

Click here to view the Year 1 Timetable.

Click here to view the Year 1 Topic Web for Autumn 1.

Click here to view the Year 1 Topic Web for Autumn 2.

Click here to view the Year 1 Topic Web for Spring 1.

Click here to view the Year 1 Topic Web for Spring 2.

Click here to view the Year 1 Topic Web for Summer 1.

Click here to view the Year 1 Topic Web for Summer 2.

Year 1 Class Blog

Summer 1

Another half term has flown by in Year 1, and as always it has been a very busy one. We have loved spending time in Highgate Woods for forest school, learning from the world around us and completing lots of exciting activities such as making our own spinning tops. In History we have enjoyed learning about how toys have changed. We have spent lots of time comparing toys from the past to the present, even having the opportunity to play with some toys from the past. In Science we have been getting practical when learning all about materials! We have completed lots of different scientific investigations. For example, we investigated which material would be the best to make a waterproof jacket from, and which material would make the best crash mat for Humpty Dumpty. We have also enjoyed learning all about Judaism, having the opportunity to visit and synagogue and explore how Jewish people worship there. Our half term ended on a joyful note as we took part in science week. We had a fantastic time exploring what sustainability means, and how we can make a difference to our world. Together with the Reception children we made our very own paper. We also celebrated the wonderful world around us, by having our very own tree party!





Year 1 Spring 2

It has been another wonderful half term in Year 1, filled with lots of exciting learning!

In Geography we have been exploring where we are in the world. We have taken our learning outside, using maps to locate key features of our school playground, and also creating our very own maps of the playground in groups. In Science, we have been learning all about plants.

We had a fantastic time at the Barnet Environment Centre, exploring their wonderful grounds and the plants and animals we could find there. We also enjoyed planting our own seeds, using recyclable materials as our plant pots. We look forward to seeing them grow!

Last but not least, a big highlight of our half term has been international week! We loved learning all about Italy, exploring where Italy is in the world, making our own Venetian masks, and delicious pizzas!



Year 1 Spring 1

Well, it has certainly been another productive, but very speedy, half term in Year 1. In maths we have been getting practical! We’ve enjoyed taking our learning outside to find different 2D and 3D shapes in our playground. We have also been making our own shape patterns, comparing the height and length of different objects, and even exploring how to measure the length of things using our hands and feet! In Science we have been learning about different materials. We have enjoyed completing different scientific investigations to compare the properties of different materials. In DT we have had a very exciting time making our own fruit smoothies! In one lesson we explored how to cut and juice different fruits, of course taking the time to taste them as well. Delicious!




Autumn 2

It has been another busy and exciting half term in Year 1. In History we have loved learning all about Monarchs, and William the Conqueror in particular. We worked in groups to explore what kind of monarch we thought William the Conqueror was, and also found out all about the castles that he built. We had the chance to design our own castles in pairs, thinking about how best we could ensure that our castle would defend us!

We have also enjoyed getting creative in DT this half term. We designed our own moving slider pictures inspired by our work in English on the book ‘Leaf’.

Last but not least, we of course can’t forget to mention class Nativity! We had so much fun learning our songs and performing them for our school and grown-ups. We can’t wait for another exciting half term after Christmas!



Autumn 1

We can’t believe our first half term in Year 1 is over! It has been so much fun spending time in our new class and getting to learn lots of new things.

In English, we have enjoyed getting into the role of Leaf, the lonely polar bear from our story. We had fun creating freeze frames in the role of Leaf, and imagining how he would feel. We have also enjoyed exploring how to find the pulse in Music and having the chance to play along to songs on our instruments.

However, our learning has not only been inside the classroom. We have spent lots of time taking our learning outside! In Art, we went into the playground and created our own artwork using natural materials, inspired by the work of Andy Goldsworthy. In Science, we have also been completing lots of different investigations. We have been investigating what the purpose of the roots of a plant is and finding out the difference between trees. We can’t wait to see what exciting learning next half term brings!