

Health And Welfare

The health and welfare of every single one of our children is of the utmost importance to us.  

When a child joins our school, parents or carers are asked to declare any medical conditions that require care within school and a Health Care Plan provided for them.  Parents are responsible for providing school with any prescription medicine their child needs or epipen or asthma inhaler.  We ensure we have a spare epipen available for emergency use.

We have a number of qualified first aiders who will administer first aid for minor accidents. Parents are contacted when any more serious accidents happen.  It is therefore vital that we have a current mobile number for parents and the number of a close friend or relative who could be reached in case of emergency.  


Administering Medicines At School

We are happy to administer any medicine during the school day that has been prescribed by a doctor, however before we do so parents must provide consent and complete the administering medicine form. Medication should be provided in original packaging giving clear administering instructions.  No other medication (including Calpol) will be administered in school (excepting crisis management medication, such as Epipen to combat anaphylactic shock, or upon instructions from a doctor).

To make sure their child receives the right dose at the right time, parents must complete a form only available from the School Office and leave the medicine with a member of the Office team. 

Children are not allowed to have medicine in their own bags or self medicate unless permission has been obtained.



Children's Mental Health

Below are a number of resources that parents and families may find useful.

Barnet Haringey Enfield Mental Health Trust , Ground Floor, H Block, St Anne’s Hospital, St Anne’s.

For Advice and queries on referrals – Haringey CAMHS ACCESS 0208 702 3400/3401.  Provide one-off advice and signposting, if not appropriate for CAMHS. Referrals to CHOICES and the Tavistock can be made via CAMHS ACCESS

Choices - offers support to children, young people up to the age of 17 and families in Haringey who are worried about their emotion wellbeing. M – F 9-5pm. 0208 702 3405.  This is part of the CAMHS Service.

MHST - phone line open 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday to all Haringey schools. Tel: 020 8702 6035 Email:

SEMH Support - a range of Social, Emotional Mental Health support available to schools, parents, carers, professionals, children and young people.

OPEN Door – is a charity that offers free confidential counselling and psychotherapy to young people aged 12 up to age 21 living in Haringey. The Parenting Teenagers Project for parents of young people aged 12-21.  Self-referrals are accepted.  Professionals can refer young people, parents of young people aged 12-21 directly by phone on 020 8348 5947 or by requesting a call back by e-mailing

Kooth - free confidential online support for  11 to 18 year olds and up to 25 years with additional needs.  12pm to 10 pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 10pm Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Indentifying And Managing Anxiety In Children

Thank you for coming to our parents talk on anxiety in children.  We do hope you dound it useful.  You can find a copy of Saskia Joss' presentation below.

Managing anxiety in children.



Health And Welfare

The health and welfare of every single one of our children is of the utmost importance to us.  

When a child joins our school, parents or carers are asked to declare any medical conditions that require care within school and a Health Care Plan provided for them.  Parents are responsible for providing school with any prescription medicine their child needs or epipen or asthma inhaler.  We ensure we have a spare epipen available for emergency use.

We have a number of qualified first aiders who will administer first aid for minor accidents. Parents are contacted when any more serious accidents happen.  It is therefore vital that we have a current mobile number for parents and the number of a close friend or relative who could be reached in case of emergency.  


Administering Medicines At School

We are happy to administer any medicine during the school day that has been prescribed by a doctor, however before we do so parents must provide consent and complete the administering medicine form. Medication should be provided in original packaging giving clear administering instructions.  No other medication (including Calpol) will be administered in school (excepting crisis management medication, such as Epipen to combat anaphylactic shock, or upon instructions from a doctor).

To make sure their child receives the right dose at the right time, parents must complete a form only available from the School Office and leave the medicine with a member of the Office team. 

Children are not allowed to have medicine in their own bags or self medicate unless permission has been obtained.



Children's Mental Health

Below are a number of resources that parents and families may find useful.

Barnet Haringey Enfield Mental Health Trust , Ground Floor, H Block, St Anne’s Hospital, St Anne’s.

For Advice and queries on referrals – Haringey CAMHS ACCESS 0208 702 3400/3401.  Provide one-off advice and signposting, if not appropriate for CAMHS. Referrals to CHOICES and the Tavistock can be made via CAMHS ACCESS

Choices - offers support to children, young people up to the age of 17 and families in Haringey who are worried about their emotion wellbeing. M – F 9-5pm. 0208 702 3405.  This is part of the CAMHS Service.

MHST - phone line open 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday to all Haringey schools. Tel: 020 8702 6035 Email:

SEMH Support - a range of Social, Emotional Mental Health support available to schools, parents, carers, professionals, children and young people.

OPEN Door – is a charity that offers free confidential counselling and psychotherapy to young people aged 12 up to age 21 living in Haringey. The Parenting Teenagers Project for parents of young people aged 12-21.  Self-referrals are accepted.  Professionals can refer young people, parents of young people aged 12-21 directly by phone on 020 8348 5947 or by requesting a call back by e-mailing

Kooth - free confidential online support for  11 to 18 year olds and up to 25 years with additional needs.  12pm to 10 pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 10pm Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays.

Indentifying And Managing Anxiety In Children

Thank you for coming to our parents talk on anxiety in children.  We do hope you dound it useful.  You can find a copy of Saskia Joss' presentation below.

Managing anxiety in children.