Year 6
Welcome to Year 6. In Year 6, we believe it is important that the children develop a sense of community. Whether it’s plays, residential trips, or being a science technician, we place a strong emphasis on the children working collaboratively as a team, towards shared goals. We encourage Year 6 to become leaders and to contribute to school life, by becoming a House Captain, or supporting the transition into Reception. Our aim is to ensure that all children leave school as well-rounded individuals – equipped with important life skills – and are prepared for life in secondary school and beyond.
Staff In Year 6
Year 6 Class Teachers - Mrs Brady, Mrs Flavelle and Miss Franks
Year 6 Teaching Assistant - Mr Flanagan
Learning In Year 6
Click here to view the Year 6 Curriculum Map.
Click here to view the Year 6 Timetable.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Autumn 1.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Autumn 2.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Spring 1.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Spring 2.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Summer 1.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Summer 2.
Year 6 Class Blog
Summer 1
In year six this half term we have completed SATS! We’re really proud of everyone in our class and grateful for the teachers and children who have stayed silent during our tests. We celebrated the end of SATS with a picnic in the woods and a whole class game of rounders.
In English, we have read ‘The Lady of Shalott’ a sad story about love and death. We wrote monologues from the perspective of the Lady of Shalott and narrative poems.
From the 20th May we have been enjoying science week. This year the theme has been sustainability and we have been learning about ways to be more sustainable both locally and globally. We used our problem solving skills to make wind turbines and created recycled art using old, torn books. We also made kites from scrap paper then shared our knowledge with reception so they could make their own. We enjoyed testing our kites out with reception. As part of science week, we visited the Centre of the Cell to learn more about how science impacts the world around us.
We are looking forward to an exciting final half term at St James!
From, Year 6
Spring 2
This half term we have been really busy in Year 6! Along with working very hard to prepare ourselves for our up coming SATs, we have also had lots of fun.
In P.E we have been continuing with fencing and netball. In fencing we have played lots of friendly matches building on our skills from last half term. Each half term in netball we are learning more and developing as players. We hope to have more matches with other schools in the future.
In history we have been debating about climate change recreating a parliamentary debate. It felt like we were really in the House of Commons and everyone got to share their opinions. Mr Burns was a very stern speaker of the house and kept us all in order!
In art we learnt about William Morris. We really enjoyed trying out different styles of art and creating prints inspired by the natural world.
During international week, we learnt about Equador. We created metal indentations of insects and learnt about the conservation projects in the Galapagos islands where they are working hard to protect thousands of species not found anywhere else in the world!
World book day gave us a chance to dress up as our favourite characters and celebrate reading. We read the book ‘Blow, wind, blow’ adding actions and using props to create our own performances. We then performed our story for Reception and they performed their world book day book for us. We also got the opportunity to join other local schools at a World Book day event with a number of different authors. They told us about their inspirations, their stories and even sang a song with us!
We have had a great half term in Year 6!
Happy Easter everyone!
Spring 1
This half term we have been looking at Floodland by Marcus Sedgewick which is about a girl called Zoe whose family is affected by a major climate crisis; flooding. Also, in English we have looked at the journey of Ernest Shackleton and have been writing diary entries and telegrams from his point of view. Linked with this we have been painting pictures inspired by Antarctica.
In science, we have been focusing on electricity and circuits. We used this knowledge to make steady hand games.
In geography we have been learning about energy. We have been working on Wonderverse which is a fun, free online learning game, we highly recommend it.
In DT we are building mini playgrounds out of straws, card and tape. It was really fun and everyone would recommend trying it.
On a final note, we have a trip to the Buddhist centre and practiced meditation which links with our R.E topic.
Overall, we have had a wonderful half term.
Year 6
Autumn 2
This half term we have been especially busy. First up, we went to the Imperial War Museum which links nicely onto out English and history topics on World War 2. In English, we have been reading ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ and have been writing diaries, letters, newspapers and epic poems (for out Gazettes). In history, we have been looking at the road to war, ratioing, evacuation and ending the war.
In our art lessons we have been looking at expressionism. One of the artists we have been looking at is Henry Moore. We used curvy lines and wax resist to create pictures of people during the Blitz sheltering in the Underground.
In P.E we have been continuing with our Netball and swimming lessons. Earlier in the year, we had a netball competition with St Michaels.
For the Christmas fair, we made lolly pop character decorations and mini Christmas wreaths. We sold these at a Year 6 stall to raise money for new wet play games. We managed to raise £45!
We hope everyone has a great Christmas and look forward to even more learning next year!
Autumn 1
This half term we have been celebrating Black History month. We have been following this year’s title ‘Saluting our Sisters’ and have been writing poems similar to Phillis Wheatley’s and Amanda Gorman’s. We have used those poems to create our own poem books and have started making portraits.
Carrying on with English, we have been reading ‘Pig Heart Boy’ about a 13-year-old boy, Cameron Kelsey, who has a xenotransplantation. Along with his topic we did heart dissection on a sheep’s hear which everyone found very interesting.
On Tuesday 17th October, some children went to St Michael’s to do a netball tournament with our netball teacher Helen. We have many other many other tournaments planned.
In DT we have been doing a project on food called ‘Come Dine with me’ were we making starters, mains and desserts. This activity was very popular and everyone had fun tasting the food!
In Year 6 we volunteered to be peer mentors and where voted in as school council and house captains a select few were chosen to be ICT monitors, office helpers, science technicians and rights respecting leaders. We all enjoy these jobs and everybody is included.
Overall, all of us can say we have enjoyed this half term and we are looking forward to many to come.
Thank you for reading our blog.
Theo, Agatha and Benjamin.
Parent Information
Year 6 SATs Information
Thank you to parents for coming to our meeting about Year 6 SATs in May.
Year 6 PE & Sports Opportunities
In Year 6, our children have the opportunity to take part in weekly fencing lessons run by specialist sports coaches at FightingFitFencing.
At St James Primary, we try to introduce our children to as many new opportunities and experiences as possible throughout their time here.
Fencing is a fantastic activity for young people and one that they may not normally experience outside school. As well as its physical benefits, it is a sport of strategy, tactics and mental agility. It's ancient origins mean that the traditonal values of respect, manners and sportsmanship - thinsg that we belive strongly in at school - are at the heart of the sport.
In addition to their fencing lessons, Year 6 also continue with their specialist netball sports coaching and you can find out more information on that here.
Year 6
Welcome to Year 6. In Year 6, we believe it is important that the children develop a sense of community. Whether it’s plays, residential trips, or being a science technician, we place a strong emphasis on the children working collaboratively as a team, towards shared goals. We encourage Year 6 to become leaders and to contribute to school life, by becoming a House Captain, or supporting the transition into Reception. Our aim is to ensure that all children leave school as well-rounded individuals – equipped with important life skills – and are prepared for life in secondary school and beyond.
Staff In Year 6
Year 6 Class Teachers - Mrs Brady, Mrs Flavelle and Miss Franks
Year 6 Teaching Assistant - Mr Flanagan
Learning In Year 6
Click here to view the Year 6 Curriculum Map.
Click here to view the Year 6 Timetable.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Autumn 1.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Autumn 2.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Spring 1.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Spring 2.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Summer 1.
Click here to view the Year 6 Topic Web for Summer 2.
Year 6 Class Blog
Summer 1
In year six this half term we have completed SATS! We’re really proud of everyone in our class and grateful for the teachers and children who have stayed silent during our tests. We celebrated the end of SATS with a picnic in the woods and a whole class game of rounders.
In English, we have read ‘The Lady of Shalott’ a sad story about love and death. We wrote monologues from the perspective of the Lady of Shalott and narrative poems.
From the 20th May we have been enjoying science week. This year the theme has been sustainability and we have been learning about ways to be more sustainable both locally and globally. We used our problem solving skills to make wind turbines and created recycled art using old, torn books. We also made kites from scrap paper then shared our knowledge with reception so they could make their own. We enjoyed testing our kites out with reception. As part of science week, we visited the Centre of the Cell to learn more about how science impacts the world around us.
We are looking forward to an exciting final half term at St James!
From, Year 6
Spring 2
This half term we have been really busy in Year 6! Along with working very hard to prepare ourselves for our up coming SATs, we have also had lots of fun.
In P.E we have been continuing with fencing and netball. In fencing we have played lots of friendly matches building on our skills from last half term. Each half term in netball we are learning more and developing as players. We hope to have more matches with other schools in the future.
In history we have been debating about climate change recreating a parliamentary debate. It felt like we were really in the House of Commons and everyone got to share their opinions. Mr Burns was a very stern speaker of the house and kept us all in order!
In art we learnt about William Morris. We really enjoyed trying out different styles of art and creating prints inspired by the natural world.
During international week, we learnt about Equador. We created metal indentations of insects and learnt about the conservation projects in the Galapagos islands where they are working hard to protect thousands of species not found anywhere else in the world!
World book day gave us a chance to dress up as our favourite characters and celebrate reading. We read the book ‘Blow, wind, blow’ adding actions and using props to create our own performances. We then performed our story for Reception and they performed their world book day book for us. We also got the opportunity to join other local schools at a World Book day event with a number of different authors. They told us about their inspirations, their stories and even sang a song with us!
We have had a great half term in Year 6!
Happy Easter everyone!
Spring 1
This half term we have been looking at Floodland by Marcus Sedgewick which is about a girl called Zoe whose family is affected by a major climate crisis; flooding. Also, in English we have looked at the journey of Ernest Shackleton and have been writing diary entries and telegrams from his point of view. Linked with this we have been painting pictures inspired by Antarctica.
In science, we have been focusing on electricity and circuits. We used this knowledge to make steady hand games.
In geography we have been learning about energy. We have been working on Wonderverse which is a fun, free online learning game, we highly recommend it.
In DT we are building mini playgrounds out of straws, card and tape. It was really fun and everyone would recommend trying it.
On a final note, we have a trip to the Buddhist centre and practiced meditation which links with our R.E topic.
Overall, we have had a wonderful half term.
Year 6
Autumn 2
This half term we have been especially busy. First up, we went to the Imperial War Museum which links nicely onto out English and history topics on World War 2. In English, we have been reading ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ and have been writing diaries, letters, newspapers and epic poems (for out Gazettes). In history, we have been looking at the road to war, ratioing, evacuation and ending the war.
In our art lessons we have been looking at expressionism. One of the artists we have been looking at is Henry Moore. We used curvy lines and wax resist to create pictures of people during the Blitz sheltering in the Underground.
In P.E we have been continuing with our Netball and swimming lessons. Earlier in the year, we had a netball competition with St Michaels.
For the Christmas fair, we made lolly pop character decorations and mini Christmas wreaths. We sold these at a Year 6 stall to raise money for new wet play games. We managed to raise £45!
We hope everyone has a great Christmas and look forward to even more learning next year!
Autumn 1
This half term we have been celebrating Black History month. We have been following this year’s title ‘Saluting our Sisters’ and have been writing poems similar to Phillis Wheatley’s and Amanda Gorman’s. We have used those poems to create our own poem books and have started making portraits.
Carrying on with English, we have been reading ‘Pig Heart Boy’ about a 13-year-old boy, Cameron Kelsey, who has a xenotransplantation. Along with his topic we did heart dissection on a sheep’s hear which everyone found very interesting.
On Tuesday 17th October, some children went to St Michael’s to do a netball tournament with our netball teacher Helen. We have many other many other tournaments planned.
In DT we have been doing a project on food called ‘Come Dine with me’ were we making starters, mains and desserts. This activity was very popular and everyone had fun tasting the food!
In Year 6 we volunteered to be peer mentors and where voted in as school council and house captains a select few were chosen to be ICT monitors, office helpers, science technicians and rights respecting leaders. We all enjoy these jobs and everybody is included.
Overall, all of us can say we have enjoyed this half term and we are looking forward to many to come.
Thank you for reading our blog.
Theo, Agatha and Benjamin.
Parent Information
Year 6 SATs Information
Thank you to parents for coming to our meeting about Year 6 SATs in May.
Year 6 PE & Sports Opportunities
In Year 6, our children have the opportunity to take part in weekly fencing lessons run by specialist sports coaches at FightingFitFencing.
At St James Primary, we try to introduce our children to as many new opportunities and experiences as possible throughout their time here.
Fencing is a fantastic activity for young people and one that they may not normally experience outside school. As well as its physical benefits, it is a sport of strategy, tactics and mental agility. It's ancient origins mean that the traditonal values of respect, manners and sportsmanship - thinsg that we belive strongly in at school - are at the heart of the sport.
In addition to their fencing lessons, Year 6 also continue with their specialist netball sports coaching and you can find out more information on that here.