Year 5

Welcome to Year 5.  In Year 5, we are valued as individuals. We try to rise to challenges, whether they be creative, mathematical, sporting or about us living out our school values. We learn to work both collaboratively and independently. Reading and a love of books and stories are at the heart of everything we do.


Staff In Year 5

Year 5 Class Teacher - Mrs Girling

Year 5 Teaching Assistant - Mr Burns


Learning In Year 5

Click here to view the Year 5 Curriculum Map.

Click here to view the Year 5 Timetable.

Click here to view the Year 5 Topic Web for Autumn 1.

Click here to view the Year 5 Topic Web for Autumn 2.

Click here to view the Year 5 Topic Web for Spring 1.

Click here to view the Year 5 Topic Web for Spring 2.

Click here to view the Year 5 Topic Web for Summer 1.


Year 5 Class Blog

Spring 2

In English this half term, we have been reading the book ‘The Last Wild’ by Piers Torday. It is about a boy called Kester, an elective mute, who discovers that he can communicate with animals but not humans. Together with the stag, a cockroach and a wolf cub they go on a journey to uncover the truth about a virus that has killed most of the animals on Earth. We have written news reports from the perspective of the people in power in the media who are trying to keep up the lie about the virus and may be the enemies of our story.  

Geography this half term has been all about producing a questionnaire to support our enquiry about the construction work next door to our school. We thought of questions to ask members of our local community about their opinion on the construction work and our ideas for what could be built instead. It has been interesting to consider how we could conduct our own research. 

Year 5 have been very busy this half term with many exciting trips! First, we visited Westminster Abbey, where we looked at memorials of different important people such as Nelson Mandela and the Unknown Soldier who represents all the fallen soldiers from different wars. We found it fascinating to learn that this is the only memorial that the public cannot walk across. In March, we all sang at the Royal Albert Hall for the Proms Praise for school's celebration. It was a great experience to sing in such an iconic venue!  

During international week, our country to learn about was South Africa. We learnt all about  apartheid and how Nelson Mandela changed South Africa (and the whole world!) through peaceful protest, and how he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. We practised the art of Ndebele beadwork and have almost completed our whole class South African flag made of beads.  

Finally, in science our topic has been about investigating the life cycles of different types of living things. We have learnt all about metamorphosis, which is when a living thing transforms into another living thing at one stage of its life cycle. We even dissected flowers to understand how they reproduce! As a part of this topic, we have begun planting flowers and trees outside our classroom, so that we can observe how the seeds germinate through spring and into summer. We cannot wait until summer to see how they grow!  


Spring 1

This half term in Year 5 we've done so many amazing things. In English, we've been reading a book called The Good Thieves, by Katherine Rundell, set in 1930s New York. It's about a girl called Vita who tries to win back a place called Hudson Castle, which her Grandfather lost to a scam artist. Vita is very serious, and her friend Silk is a pickpocket who just wants to be a normal girl. There is also Arkady, who we think is really funny.
In Geography, we've been learning all about the Alps, a mountain range in Europe. We've researched facts about the Alps in preparation for making a travel guide convincing people to visit the Alps. Did you know that the highest mountain in the Alps is Mont Blanc?
In science, we've gone further afield and we've been learning about the solar system. We learnt the names of the planets, and we made a model system using a torch and a tennis ball, to show how the Earth moves around the sun. This makes day and night, depending on which side of the Earth the sun shines on. Using this knowledge, we have started to make our own planet soft toys in DT. We stitched together coloured textiles to make planets, and then stuffed them with wadding to make the soft toy. They look very realistic!
We've been doing Bikeability too. We've been playing a game called Snake, where we have to follow a leader on our bikes and copy everything they do. Then, when we were ready, we went out on the real roads and cycled around Muswell Hill. It was a little scary, but really fun!
Finally, we've been rehearsing for our show at the Royal Albert Hall next half term. We've been learning songs like All About Jesus, Our God is For Us, and Once in Royal David's City - the story for which we learnt about in RE. It's going to be so amazing to perform our songs in the Royal Albert Hall. We're also looking forward to our class assembly next half term too.

Autumn 2

This half term we have been looking at Ancient Greece as a topic in History, and reading about Ancient Greek mythology in English. As part of this topic, we had a day where we did a Greek workshop and we all dressed up as Ancient Greeks and made mosaics, clay pots and wax tablets. We were served grapes, wine (juice) and cheese while watching the Greek plays performed by our class. It was so fun to live like the Ancient Greeks for a day! 

In English we have been learning about the Greek hero, Odysseus, and his journeys through war, sea and monsters. We wrote chorus poems which were conversations between Odysseus and his crew and the dead of the underworld.

As part of our R.E learning about Christmas and how it can be enjoyed with music, art and storytelling, we took part in a class workshop with the Spring Dance company. In threes, we created a dance that told the story of the Nativity through movements representing friendship, hope and the birth of Jesus. We also had an interactive meeting with a curator at the National Gallery who showed us different paintings about the Nativity story that we explored together. We enjoyed this as it was like a puzzle to zoom in on different parts of the painting and noticed tiny details.

In Science we have been looking at friction and the different forces. We have learnt about air resistance, gravity and friction.


Autumn 1

In Year 5, this half term we have been learning about the ancient Kingdom of Benin in History. We learnt about the City of Benin, the Obas who were in charge, and the Benin Bronzes. We have made masks in the style of traditional Benin masks, which we made out of cardboard. We then got to go and see them in real life when we went on a trip to the British Museum in Bloomsbury. It was so fun to see the Benin Bronzes for real and learn about how they came to the UK. Whilst we were there we also looked at Greek statues and artefacts, which we will be learning about after the holidays.


In English we have been reading the book Skellig by David Almond, which is about a boy who finds something mysterious in his garage. The book has a lot of references to birds and to owls, so we researched facts about owls and then made some booklets all about them. They're now on the wall of our classroom for anyone to read! This also linked into our Science topic, where we have been learning about the gestation periods of animals.


We also read the book In Our Hands, which is about the theme of hope, and we used this to make clay medallions with messages of hope on them, like 'joy' and 'love'. This also links into our R.E., where we have been learning about the miracles Jesus performed, like the feeding of the 5000, and turning water into wine. We also celebrated the Harvest Festival at St James' Church, donating tins of food to the church and to our local foodbank. We went on stage and sang 'Lean on Me' by Bill Withers, which was really nerve-racking! We walked there with Year 1, who we have also been buddy reading with.


In P.E. we started two exciting new sports - netball, with a netball coach, and fencing, with a fencing coach. It's really fun to try out new sports we haven't done before! 


Year 5  PE And Sports Opportunities

In Year 5, our children have the opportunity to take part in weekly swimming lessons at Park Road swimming pool.

Being able to swim is a valuable life skill and something we encourage all our children to learn.  The aim of their weekly swimming lessons is to help children to be confident in and around water as well as learning and improving their swimming and water self rescue skills. 

Our Year 5 children have their first opportunity to learn a sport taught by a specialist external sports coach.  This gives them the chance to learn a new set of skills and practise and play together as a team.  

Mastering the fundamentals of a new sport and learning vital lessons in sportsmanship and teamwork, they also have opportunities to take part in local sports competitions allowing them to test their new skills.

This year, Year 5 are taking part in weekly netball coaching sessions and you can find out more information on that here.  .



Year 5

Welcome to Year 5.  In Year 5, we are valued as individuals. We try to rise to challenges, whether they be creative, mathematical, sporting or about us living out our school values. We learn to work both collaboratively and independently. Reading and a love of books and stories are at the heart of everything we do.


Staff In Year 5

Year 5 Class Teacher - Mrs Girling

Year 5 Teaching Assistant - Mr Burns


Learning In Year 5

Click here to view the Year 5 Curriculum Map.

Click here to view the Year 5 Timetable.

Click here to view the Year 5 Topic Web for Autumn 1.

Click here to view the Year 5 Topic Web for Autumn 2.

Click here to view the Year 5 Topic Web for Spring 1.

Click here to view the Year 5 Topic Web for Spring 2.

Click here to view the Year 5 Topic Web for Summer 1.


Year 5 Class Blog

Spring 2

In English this half term, we have been reading the book ‘The Last Wild’ by Piers Torday. It is about a boy called Kester, an elective mute, who discovers that he can communicate with animals but not humans. Together with the stag, a cockroach and a wolf cub they go on a journey to uncover the truth about a virus that has killed most of the animals on Earth. We have written news reports from the perspective of the people in power in the media who are trying to keep up the lie about the virus and may be the enemies of our story.  

Geography this half term has been all about producing a questionnaire to support our enquiry about the construction work next door to our school. We thought of questions to ask members of our local community about their opinion on the construction work and our ideas for what could be built instead. It has been interesting to consider how we could conduct our own research. 

Year 5 have been very busy this half term with many exciting trips! First, we visited Westminster Abbey, where we looked at memorials of different important people such as Nelson Mandela and the Unknown Soldier who represents all the fallen soldiers from different wars. We found it fascinating to learn that this is the only memorial that the public cannot walk across. In March, we all sang at the Royal Albert Hall for the Proms Praise for school's celebration. It was a great experience to sing in such an iconic venue!  

During international week, our country to learn about was South Africa. We learnt all about  apartheid and how Nelson Mandela changed South Africa (and the whole world!) through peaceful protest, and how he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. We practised the art of Ndebele beadwork and have almost completed our whole class South African flag made of beads.  

Finally, in science our topic has been about investigating the life cycles of different types of living things. We have learnt all about metamorphosis, which is when a living thing transforms into another living thing at one stage of its life cycle. We even dissected flowers to understand how they reproduce! As a part of this topic, we have begun planting flowers and trees outside our classroom, so that we can observe how the seeds germinate through spring and into summer. We cannot wait until summer to see how they grow!  


Spring 1

This half term in Year 5 we've done so many amazing things. In English, we've been reading a book called The Good Thieves, by Katherine Rundell, set in 1930s New York. It's about a girl called Vita who tries to win back a place called Hudson Castle, which her Grandfather lost to a scam artist. Vita is very serious, and her friend Silk is a pickpocket who just wants to be a normal girl. There is also Arkady, who we think is really funny.
In Geography, we've been learning all about the Alps, a mountain range in Europe. We've researched facts about the Alps in preparation for making a travel guide convincing people to visit the Alps. Did you know that the highest mountain in the Alps is Mont Blanc?
In science, we've gone further afield and we've been learning about the solar system. We learnt the names of the planets, and we made a model system using a torch and a tennis ball, to show how the Earth moves around the sun. This makes day and night, depending on which side of the Earth the sun shines on. Using this knowledge, we have started to make our own planet soft toys in DT. We stitched together coloured textiles to make planets, and then stuffed them with wadding to make the soft toy. They look very realistic!
We've been doing Bikeability too. We've been playing a game called Snake, where we have to follow a leader on our bikes and copy everything they do. Then, when we were ready, we went out on the real roads and cycled around Muswell Hill. It was a little scary, but really fun!
Finally, we've been rehearsing for our show at the Royal Albert Hall next half term. We've been learning songs like All About Jesus, Our God is For Us, and Once in Royal David's City - the story for which we learnt about in RE. It's going to be so amazing to perform our songs in the Royal Albert Hall. We're also looking forward to our class assembly next half term too.

Autumn 2

This half term we have been looking at Ancient Greece as a topic in History, and reading about Ancient Greek mythology in English. As part of this topic, we had a day where we did a Greek workshop and we all dressed up as Ancient Greeks and made mosaics, clay pots and wax tablets. We were served grapes, wine (juice) and cheese while watching the Greek plays performed by our class. It was so fun to live like the Ancient Greeks for a day! 

In English we have been learning about the Greek hero, Odysseus, and his journeys through war, sea and monsters. We wrote chorus poems which were conversations between Odysseus and his crew and the dead of the underworld.

As part of our R.E learning about Christmas and how it can be enjoyed with music, art and storytelling, we took part in a class workshop with the Spring Dance company. In threes, we created a dance that told the story of the Nativity through movements representing friendship, hope and the birth of Jesus. We also had an interactive meeting with a curator at the National Gallery who showed us different paintings about the Nativity story that we explored together. We enjoyed this as it was like a puzzle to zoom in on different parts of the painting and noticed tiny details.

In Science we have been looking at friction and the different forces. We have learnt about air resistance, gravity and friction.


Autumn 1

In Year 5, this half term we have been learning about the ancient Kingdom of Benin in History. We learnt about the City of Benin, the Obas who were in charge, and the Benin Bronzes. We have made masks in the style of traditional Benin masks, which we made out of cardboard. We then got to go and see them in real life when we went on a trip to the British Museum in Bloomsbury. It was so fun to see the Benin Bronzes for real and learn about how they came to the UK. Whilst we were there we also looked at Greek statues and artefacts, which we will be learning about after the holidays.


In English we have been reading the book Skellig by David Almond, which is about a boy who finds something mysterious in his garage. The book has a lot of references to birds and to owls, so we researched facts about owls and then made some booklets all about them. They're now on the wall of our classroom for anyone to read! This also linked into our Science topic, where we have been learning about the gestation periods of animals.


We also read the book In Our Hands, which is about the theme of hope, and we used this to make clay medallions with messages of hope on them, like 'joy' and 'love'. This also links into our R.E., where we have been learning about the miracles Jesus performed, like the feeding of the 5000, and turning water into wine. We also celebrated the Harvest Festival at St James' Church, donating tins of food to the church and to our local foodbank. We went on stage and sang 'Lean on Me' by Bill Withers, which was really nerve-racking! We walked there with Year 1, who we have also been buddy reading with.


In P.E. we started two exciting new sports - netball, with a netball coach, and fencing, with a fencing coach. It's really fun to try out new sports we haven't done before! 


Year 5  PE And Sports Opportunities

In Year 5, our children have the opportunity to take part in weekly swimming lessons at Park Road swimming pool.

Being able to swim is a valuable life skill and something we encourage all our children to learn.  The aim of their weekly swimming lessons is to help children to be confident in and around water as well as learning and improving their swimming and water self rescue skills. 

Our Year 5 children have their first opportunity to learn a sport taught by a specialist external sports coach.  This gives them the chance to learn a new set of skills and practise and play together as a team.  

Mastering the fundamentals of a new sport and learning vital lessons in sportsmanship and teamwork, they also have opportunities to take part in local sports competitions allowing them to test their new skills.

This year, Year 5 are taking part in weekly netball coaching sessions and you can find out more information on that here.  .

